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FCPS Student Information System (SIS) Parent Account Privacy Policy

Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) provides electronic access to attendance, grade, and other information related to its students via its SIS Parent Account Access system. This information is intended for the use of the student's parent(s), legal guardian(s), and other authorized individuals. I understand that the FCPS reserves the right to grant or deny access to the SIS Parent Account Access system in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and court orders. I also certify that I will advise my child's school of any issues resulting in a need for change of access to my child's records.

The contact information, as well as any court orders, on file for the student determines who has access to the student's records and must be current and accurate in order to ensure the student's privacy. The user name and password used to access student information via the SIS Parent Account Access system should not be shared with unauthorized individuals. FCPS will not be responsible for unauthorized access to or use of such information as a result of such unauthorized sharing.

By accessing the SIS Parent Account Access, I verify that I have legal authority to obtain the educational information of the child(ren) on the application and I understand that submitting false information or failing to follow rules of use may result in the withdrawal of use privileges.

Privacy Information

It is the policy of the Commonwealth of Virginia that personal information regarding its citizens will be collected by government only to the extent necessary to provide the service or benefit desired; that only appropriate information will be collected; and that the citizen shall understand the reason the information is collected and be able to examine his or her personal record.

This document explains how Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) gathers information on its website and with whom and under what conditions FCPS is authorized to share this information. The following is intended to explain the FCPS' current privacy practices but shall not be construed as a contractual promise. FCPS reserves the right to amend its Internet privacy policy statement at any time without prior notice.

Information Collection

FCPS collects information based on the "need-to-know" principle. This site does not collect sensitive information such as social security number, driver's license number, bank account number, or credit card number from any students or parents.

  1. Registration for an account on this site requires an activation code and valid e-mail address. The e-mail address will be your unique user name.
  2. As on many websites, the site editor may also automatically receive general information that is contained in server log files, such as your IP address, pages browsed, and date and time of your visit. This information is used for internal purposes only, and is not shared with any third party unless required by law. Activities on the FCPS network may be subject to discovery under the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (Va FOIA).
  3. The site may collect personal information you provide such as: your e-mail address, name, or phone number. Any such information is collected to meet your specific online requests. If you choose not to provide this personal information, you will be unable to access certain of the services that this website offers.
  4. In certain applications, user information is stored as "cookies," which are then sent back and stored on your device. Cookies allow FCPS to save the information that you input while progressing through an online transaction. No user information is gathered through cookies except for that needed to run the specific application. If your browser is not configured to accept cookies, you will still be able to access the information on the SIS Parent Account Access website, but you may not be able to complete many of the online transactions contained therein.

Access to Your Information

The SIS Parent Account Access website connects authorized users to the information already gathered and stored by the FCPS Student Information System related to their children who are FCPS students. The information that is collected from you and about you (such as your e-mail address) is visible only to you and to authorized FCPS teachers and school staff. FCPS protects its records in accordance with applicable Federal and Virginia laws--including, but not limited to, the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act and the Virginia Freedom of Information Act (Va FOIA).Your data should not become available to third parties unless (i) provided for otherwise in this Privacy Policy; (ii) your consent is obtained, such as when you choose to opt-in or opt-out for the sharing of data; (iii) a service provided on our site requires interaction with a third party, or is provided by a third party, such as an application service provider; (iv) pursuant to legal action or law enforcement; (v) it is found that your use of this site violates the site editor's policy, terms of service, or other usage guidelines, or if it is deemed reasonably necessary by the site editor to protect the site editor's legal rights, network security and/or property. In the event you choose to use links displayed on this website to visit other websites, you are advised to read the privacy policies published on those sites.

Because FCPS is a public body, information we maintain may be subject to disclosure under Va FOIA. However your students' educational records are protected by FERPA, and are therefore not subject to disclosure under Va FOIA. Certain network activities recorded in our log files may be subject to disclosure under Va FOIA.


FCPS implements administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the personal information which it maintains. Likewise, we urge you to take precautions to protect your personal data. Such precautions may include installing virus protection software and updating your system, selecting a strong password and never sharing it, locking the device and/or logging out of the application when you leave it, and refraining from clicking on suspicious links or opening suspicious files.

Information Accuracy and Your Rights

FCPS has established procedures to ensure that information is as accurate and current as is reasonably practical in order to allow the school system to furnish the access offered by SIS Parent Account Access. You have the right to review any record that FCPS maintains about you in order to verify its accuracy. You may do this by contacting the school.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

Changes may be made to this policy from time to time. Authorized users will be notified of substantial changes to this policy either through the posting of a prominent announcement on the site, and/or by one or more e-mail messages sent to the e-mail address you have provided.

Records Privacy

FCPS complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, Sec. 438, Publ. L. 90-247, as amended, which sets forth requirements governing protection of the right to privacy of educational records, and affords parents and eligible students the right to inspect such records. For more specific information, see "Management of the Student Scholastic Record"


While this privacy policy contains standards for maintenance of data, and while efforts will be made to meet such standards, FCPS advises all users that there may be factors beyond the site editor's reasonable expectation or control that may result in the disclosure of data. Consequently, the site editor can offer no warranty or guaranty with regard to FCPS' maintenance or non-disclosure of data.